Book Reviews for Deborah Taylor's books


"An incredible book by an incredible woman. This is a valuable tool to both educate and free people who have been tormented by this evil and show God’s divine plan as it was always meant to be"  -KLW, San Antonio, TX 

" Deborah Taylor author of  The Jehu Anointing: Breaking Free, is an amazing Woman Of God!! She hears from God and ONLY writes what he speaks to her!! This book will change your life and lives of all of your friends and family. God is so awesome!! Thank you my precious friend Deborah Taylor for following the Holy Spirit! Love you so much!"  -AG, Fairhope, AL 

"The Jehu Anointing is anointed and filled with truth from God's Word. It really opened my eyes to what I have been experiencing. I love the way the author doesn't sugar coat but just tells it like it is. I would recommend this book for men and women, because after reading this book, my eyes have been opened wide. I am thankful to the author for her courage, boldness and honesty. I just ordered 10 books to share with my pastor and my family members, because I believe it will help each of them to make wiser decisions. Also, the poetry was powerful. A MUST READ!"  -RA, Pensacola, FL 

"I am a Pastor in MS and I highly recommend Mrs. Taylor's books. I have personally read some of her anointed poetry during church services and also at funerals, and have seen many hearts touched deeply"-  JLM, Meridian, MS 

"Mrs. Taylor's books have been a real inspiration to myself and my family members. We have even used these books along with our Daily Devotionals because they are encouraging, edifying, and anointed."  Dr. JBL, Roseville, CA 

"Mrs. Taylor has been such a gift from the Lord to me personally, and I am grateful to God for leading me to her ministry. I have personally been delivered from much, including the spirits of suicide and despair. Mrs. Taylor truly loves souls and gives all of her time to listen, encourage, edify, and speak life.  She is anointed to break yokes and to assist those bound by Jezebel to receive deliverance and healing.  My life will never be the same because of Mrs. Taylor's prayers, encouragement, compassion, godly wisdom, and anointing by the Holy Ghost. God Bless You Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Taylor!"  -DWP, Decator, GA 

"Ever since I received my copy of THE JEHU ANOINTING, I have not been able to put it down. It is absolutely Holy Ghost inspired for such a time as this. This book has opened my eyes to so many things that were hidden and my relationship with my Savior has become more intimate since I have been reading her book. Her poetry is inspiring and her  wisdom and understanding is astounding. I know that God has wonderful plans for Deborah Taylor and He is already using her mightily as a lighthouse in an ever darkening world"  -AKN, SC 

"I have read The Jehu Anointing three times since I received it, and I'm still digesting it. As I read and re-read this AWESOME message to the church and the world, I just can't seem to put it down. I am praying for just the right words to describe it...Sooo Awesome! God Bless You Mrs. Taylor for your boldness, your courage, your faith, and your anointing. Your poetry has inspired me to begin writing poetry myself, and it just seems to be pouring. I think I got some of that Living Water rising up from the inside after reading your books along with God's Word. Keep them coming Sister! Thank You. Thank You"  -KL, Memphis, TN 

"WOW, just WOW. I just cannot put this book down. I absolutely recommend Deborah Taylor's book to everyone, male and female, young and old, especially Pastors. I agree with Mrs. Taylor, playtime was over long ago and it is time for the Body to WAKE UP! I have a new fire in my spirit since I began reading and I'm not even finished reading this anointed book" -CLP, Meridian, MS 

"Mrs. Taylor, I believe that God has anointed you for such a time as this. We would love to meet you and would love for you to speak to our congregation when this quarantine is behind us. I will email you a formal invitation. Please bring boxes of books to share" -PCLM, Nashville, TN 

"The Lord Is Our Defense, Vol. 1, is EXTRAORDINARY. What an amazing testimony. Thank You Mrs. Taylor for sharing your amazing story of triumph by the power of the Name of Jesus! Amen, God is Real" - LV, Orlando, FL 

"I just wanted to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the inspired poetry in your Volume three of the Lord Is Our Defense. Many of these poems preached a word in season to me as soon as I opened the pages"- TM, Tempe, AZ 

"Dear Mrs. Taylor, thank you so much for writing this book. I just finished it yesterday (I'm a slow reader) and I cannot wait to read it again. I felt alive as if a burden was lifted. Your passion for prayer spilled over onto me. I admit I have made many excuses over the years why I didn't have enough time to pray, but God used your book to draw me closer and He put a burden in my heart to make prayer a priority in my life again. God bless you" -KT, Marietta, GA 

"The Jehu Anointing is a MUST READ for Christians, Patriots, Deplorables, Pastors, and all who love the USA as much as I do and as much as our Citizens President does! This book is a real eye opener, and I applaud the author for speaking the cold, hard truth. I give this book 5 stars and I am telling everyone I know that they must read this book. I am Mrs. Taylor's number one fan after reading this book and I look forward to reading her future books, because she is a true Patriot like myself. God Bless You Mrs. Taylor for boldly proclaiming the TRUTH of God's Word, that should have been shouted from the rooftops by pastors and prophets for years!" -DS, NC  

"I knew from the moment I received THE JEHU ANOINTING  that this was going to be a powerfully anointed book. The more I read, the more I am deeply moved by the author's deep passionate love her country, for lost souls and for the Body of Christ. it is obvious that this mighty woman of God spends much time in the presence of the LORD. She truly has the ear of the LORD, and her passion to reach the lost and wake up the Body of Christ is contagious! I'm her biggest fan and cannot wait to read her upcoming books. May God Bless Mrs. Taylor for boldly proclaiming the truth of God's Word and caring not what others think. She has assisted me greatly in getting delivered from my past, from soul wounds, from self hatred, and from the spirits of witchcraft, and suicide. I contacted her last year when I was tormented by suicidal thoughts, and struggling in so many ways, and she was always available to pray for and encourage me. I know first hand of her strong anointing to break yokes, set the captives free, and she always speaks the truth according to the Word of God without apology. I know that God has mighty plans for this anointed woman of God and mighty Deliverance Minister"  -CT,  OH 

"Deborah Taylor,  the LORD told me to get this word to you:  "Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, everyone to his brother, saying: Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the LORD. And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument; for they hear thy words, but they do them not. And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them" - Pastor BD, NC 

"This book is a major wake up call. Men, if you read this review, take heed and read this book very carefully and soak up these truths! This book and Deborah Taylor were a key tool that helped get my life back and helped me win my children back into my life, and restore my identity back to God. This book will challenge your flesh. You will question yourself and it will direct you into the Word of God and into prayer. The Jezebel stronghold is able to destroy a person, a family, a nation, only if you Bow to it. This is the Best Book on how to defeat the Jezebel stronghold and it is a guide to lead you into the Word of God to build back a strong foundation built on love and truth. I HIGHLY recommend buying this book. A MUST READ! 5 OUT OF 5 STARS!"- VT, Birmingham, AL 

"I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially Pastors. This book is so anointed and filled with truth from God's Word. It really opened my eyes and helped me understand the hell I was going through and why.  Mrs. Taylor assisted me in getting victory while I was knee deep in warfare with a coven of witches. She prayed me through it all and was always available for prayer and godly counsel. I am so grateful to God for leading me to Mrs. Taylor's ministry.  I would recommend this book for men and women everywhere, because after reading this book, my eyes have been opened wide. I praise God for her ministry and I am thankful to Mrs. Taylor for her  compassion, courage, boldness and honesty. A MUST READ!"- TS, Pensacola, FL 

"I just finished reading THE JEHU ANOINTING - BREAKING FREE FROM JEZEBEL'S WEB. I must say I was incredibly blessed by the author's boldness, patriotism, and her wisdom and understanding of the times we are living in. It blessed my heart greatly to know that there are others in the Body of Christ who understand the importance of praying without ceasing. I applaud Mrs. Taylor for  boldly speaking truth unashamedly and truly caring about souls, and about the direction our nation is going. May God bless Mrs. Taylor for her love for our country, and for taking a stand against the deception, indoctrination, lawlessness, witchcraft, wickedness and idolatry  that is taking place in the USA and the world. Thank You Mrs. Taylor for your constant prayers and for working diligently to open the eyes of the deceived, and for preaching the Gospel of Christ Jesus!"  -AT, SD 

"Mrs. Taylor's book and ministry has been heaven sent. I have been struggling for years due to divorce, and the re-marriage and continued abuse by my former spouse. Since her re-marriage, my children have suffered greatly. God used this book to assist me in understanding what my family has been through, and why, and how to fight back in prayer and forgiveness. Mrs. Taylor has taken the time to train me to take my place as the spiritual leader of my home and wage spiritual warfare on behalf of my children. She has helped me to break free from Jezebel's web of lies, and I am eternally grateful to God for Mrs. Taylor's anointed ministry"-  RM, SF, CA 

"This book is a MUST READ! I highly recommend it to everyone, especially pastors and prophets. This book is anointed from beginning to end. A sister in Christ recommended this book to me because of my personal situation and God has used it mightily to open my eyes and draw me closer to God. The Holy Ghost has used this book to bring me back to my first love and I am forever grateful. I too am praying that the Body of Christ will wake up and become mighty prayer warriors. America must wake up and fight for our nation against these evil doers who want to destroy her from within and without. Thank You Deborah Taylor for obeying the Spirit of God and publishing this book for such a time as this" - PW, San Antonio, TX 

"The JEHU ANOINTING is EXTRAORDINARY! This book, written in 2019, was absolutely written for such a time as this. This book is a Holy Spirit filled WAKE UP CALL for the Church and the world. I am grateful to God for leading me to this book and to Mrs. Taylor's anointed ministry. She is a true Prophetic Intercessor and she is anointed to break strongholds. I contacted her for prayer and after one call, God delivered me from despair, depression, hopelessness, and lack. God Bless Mrs. Taylor and her anointed prayer warriors. Thank You JESUS!" -RC, Mobile, AL 

"Deborah Taylor's latest book THE JEHU ANOINTING really got my attention as she explained in great detail about the principality known as Jezebel. I had never known about this Jezebel principality, but I do remember reading the story in the bible about Jezebel and Ahab. This book has been a real eye opener for me and explains what I have been experiencing at work and at church. I am so very grateful to Mrs. Taylor for obeying the Holy Spirit and getting this wonderful message out to the world. My spiritual eyes have been opened and my understanding has increased greatly. Thank You Mrs. Taylor and may God bless you for your courage and obedience in writing this anointed book. I will be sure to share the information and wisdom I have gleaned from your book with my Pastor and loved ones" -WT, Santa Ana, CA  

"This incredible new book from Prophetess Deborah Taylor will change your life as it has mine. This book should bring you to your knees in repentance and draw you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. God Bless you Mrs. Taylor for writing this book and for speaking truth"- SE, Dallas, TX  

"I pre-ordered THE JEHU ANOINTING after having read Mrs. Taylor's other books and I was not disappointed. She is a truly anointed women of God who speaks the truth and only teaches the truth of God's Word. This is a timely treasure that the whole world needs to be awakened to. Thanks so much for your faithfulness, and your love for souls. This book will wake you up and draw you closer to God. Let me end with saying I am so grateful to Mrs. Taylor for her book because now I'm spending more time in the Word and in prayer than ever before" -RA, IN  

"The Jehu Anointing is an urgent wake up call that is crucial for every man and woman. She helps you to understand current events, what we are experiencing and why, but she also explains how we can turn this Titanic around by turning back to God. God Bless You so much Mrs. Taylor. I look forward to receiving your spiritual warfare manual"- IA, Fort Worth, TX  

"A MUST READ FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! I have been following Deborah Taylor's anointed ministry for years, and her books are awesome. Everyone who wants to know the truth about the corruption and deception that has been taking place under our noses for decades should read this book and share it with everyone you know" -RA, NC  

"Wow Mrs. Taylor. I have no words. This book rocked my world. As I read it, certain words just jumped off of the page and the Holy Ghost spoke to my spirit and confirmed much of what I had already expected but didn't really understand. Thank you for sharing the truth in an easy to understand way. This book reveals the heart of God, the wisdom of God, and the truth of His Word, including what is to come. It is very prophetic. I have found so many answers to questions I have had for years. It all makes sense to me now. God Bless You" -AF, MS  

"Mrs. Taylor's passion and love for souls is remarkable. Her books speak with power and authority. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially Pastors. This book is extraordinary, intriguing, filled with truth and beauty. It has been breathtaking to read"- Thank You. PR, Nashville, TN  

"I pre-ordered this book as soon as I heard of it, and ordered several for my family, friends and my pastor. He was blown away and is using her book as a teaching tool in our spiritual warfare training at church. I wish I could meet Mrs. Taylor to thank her personally, because her book opened my eyes and gave me the strength and discernment to "unfollow" some toxic people in my life who had to be removed. I'm blown away and cannot wait for her next book"-SA, Houston, TX  

"Deborah Taylors anointed books and poetry have strong biblical foundations and are filled with simple truths. Her anointed ministry is like a bright, shining lighthouse in the darkness. Her books are honest, simple to understand, and have been a huge wake up call for me. This is a timely book with warnings, great truths, eye opening teachings, and she truly has a prophetic gift"-  WH, NC 

"I met Mrs. Taylor at a local book store and had the pleasure of chatting with her at one of her book signing events. It was truly a divine appointment. I shared with Mrs. Taylor about my personal struggles, and she prayed for me right then and there. My husband and I were about to lose our home due to foreclosure. The very next day, my husband and I received a financial miracle which more than took care of our immediate concerns. Of course we give God all of the glory, but I will never forget that divine appointment and Mrs. Taylor's anointed prayers. I look forward to reading everything the LORD puts on her heart to share"- SL, Pensacola, FL 

"Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, PACK YOUR BAGS! We want to meet you and your husband in person as soon as you are available to travel. You both have been such an incredible gift to the Body, and especially to myself and my entire family. You will never know how grateful we are for your encouragement and prayers during some of the darkest days of our lives.  We continue to share our personal testimonies as a church family,  and your names keep coming up. I know that God has amazing plans for you both and He is already using your ministry mightily to bring hope to the hopeless and healing to the broken. Our congregation cannot wait to meet you both in person. Be sure to bring a lot of boxes! Our entire church family looks forward to meeting you both SOON!"- Pastor SH,  TN 

"Mrs. Taylor, I just want to thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. You will never know how much you mean to me and I am eternally grateful to God for leading me to your anointed ministry. Thank You for always being there to pray for me, and for continuing to expose Jezebel! I highly recommend The Jehu Anointing to men and women, single or married, and also to Pastors everywhere. You speak as the oracles of God.  I cannot wait to read your new book that you are writing now. I know that God is using you mightily in these last days to put His glory on display!" -SNS, Atlanta, GA 

"This mighty woman of God knows what she is talking about. This book is a treasure and I am grateful to God for Deborah Taylor's anointed ministry. I have been through hell for years and all I knew was that there were evil people in this world. Now I understand exactly what I have been dealing with and why. My eyes are open and everything makes sense now. Thank You Mrs. Taylor for waking me up to the truth." RA, Fort Worth, TX

"The Lord Is Our Defense is extraordinary. I could not put it down once I opened it. Mrs. Taylor's experiences were truly supernatural, and I have had similar experiences which I did not understand, but now everything makes sense. I know this book is anointed and the warfare poetry is life changing. After reading this book, I began to search the scriptures and I have a new hunger for the daily manna. Thank you Mrs. Taylor for sharing your supernatural testimony, and your obedience to the Holy Ghost." SLB, Maryland

"I just finished reading The Lord Is Our Defense, Volume 3, and I must say that this is my favorite book of poetry. It reminded me of the poetry written by the Puritans and many of the other great men and women of the faith. I felt the presence of the Lord so strong as I sat here reading. I actually had a vision of a warrior swinging a blazing sword in the heavenlies. Thank You Mrs. Taylor for your beautiful poetry and I look forward to reading all of your books. God Bless." - TA, Orlando, FL. 

"Thank You Mrs. Taylor for being obedient to the Lord's calling on your life. You are truly a gift to the Body of Christ and a great encouragement to myself and my family. We join you in prayer that God will remove the scales from the eyes of those who have been deceived and for the prodigals to return home. God Bless you and your husband as you continue to run through troops and leap over walls to victory! Get those new books finished! -Pastor CL, Mobile, AL

"Wow, Mrs. Taylor prophesied years ago all of these things that are taking place right now. She is obviously a student of the Word and has great discernment. I am sharing this book with everyone I know. My boyfriend is reading The Jehu Anointing right now and he has learned so much. His x-wife is operating under the Jezebel spirit and he just keeps saying that he wished that he had read this book before he married her, because he would have never married her. He is still being harassed constantly by her and she continues to slander him and harass him. He got a restraining order against her, but she still stalks him and threatens to kill him. She is pure evil. All my friends who are reading this book say they have had their spiritual eyes opened and are very thankful. They will be writing their own reviews of this book soon. Thank you Mrs. Taylor for writing this anointed prophetic book. The whole world needs to read this book." DR, Chicago, IL. 

"I just received KNOW HIM, Volume 1, and I have not been able to put it down. From the moment I opened this book, the Holy Spirit just arrested my spirit and as I began to read these prayers, I literally felt like I was standing on holy ground. I began to weep. I truly believe that this book was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and I know once you open it, you will experience the same. I have just begun reading the anointed prayers in this book but cannot wait for her next book!" -TF, Houston, Texas

"I was told by a trusted friend about Mrs. Taylor's anointed ministry and new book.  I received my pre-ordered copy of KNOW HIM on January 2, 2022, and I absolutely loved it. I shared it with family members and my pastor, and he said he was going to order a copy today. I am very much looking forward to Volume Two and will be checking out her other books. I highly recommend KNOW HIM to anyone who has a burden to pray for our nation, like I do. Thank You Mrs. Taylor!" - HA, Daphne, AL

"As a Pastor for over 35 years, I was so blessed when I read THE JEHU ANOINTING. This book was filled with Biblical truths, prophetic insight, and a deep understanding of the times we are living in. I only wish I had read it years ago, since I have personally been slandered and attacked by some witches who were operating under this Jezebel spirit. It is true that many churches have become breeding grounds for the Jezebel spirit. I have personally witnessed many lives, marriages, families, and fellow shepherds whose lives and ministries were all but destroyed by these witches, sent to deceive, indoctrinate, intimidate, harass, threaten, slander, falsely accuse, and destroy reputations, and who entire congregations with their lies, whoredoms, witchcraft, heresies, and false prophecies. I am eternally grateful to Mrs. Taylor for opening my eyes to the truth about the Jezebel spirit, and how she slithers into the church, and tries to usurp the authority of these pastors. I have witnessed firsthand how Jezebel tries to destroy entire congregations with her lies. After reading this book, I was able to understand how to deal with this evil and cast it out of our church, before it was destroyed. I also wanted to thank you, Mrs. Taylor, for educating me about the Absalom spirit, which is something I had recently encountered. I highly recommend Mrs. Taylor's teaching on this subject to all church leaders, because these evil spirits are real. God Bless you Mrs. Taylor, and may He protect you and your loved ones from all evil. I look forward to receiving my copies of your spiritual warfare prayer manual, and your latest spiritual warfare prayer book, KNOW HIM." Pastor RMJ, GA. 

"I just finished reading The Jehu Anointing and I must say that it is a shame that every single American didn't read this book before the election fraud was committed in 2020. I believe it would have made a huge difference as far as waking up many souls to the importance of this past 2020 election that was stolen by fraud. Now, here we are, being persecuted by these same Jezebel witches that Mrs. Taylor tried to warn us about. I will continue to pray that God will have mercy on the willfully ignorant masses who were deceived by Jezebel and bought into her lies. Maybe if they had read this book, or at least read the Bible, we would not be going through the hell we are going through. I pray that God will have mercy on America, and remove these ungodly leaders quickly, and bring them to justice for their ungodly deeds. I am honored to join Mrs. Taylor's weekly prayer conference calls to pray for our nation." CM, FL.

"Dear Mrs. Taylor, I just finished reading Know Him, Volume One, and I just wanted to tell you that I felt the presence of the Holy Ghost as I prayed these prayers. I ordered your second volume today and look forward to reading it also. I will be sharing this prayer book with our women's prayer group at our church tomorrow evening. I am sure that our pastor will want to get his own copy also. The cover is gorgeous, but the prayers are truly phenomenal. I am really looking forward to getting your devotionals when they are released. I was so blessed by this book and I look forward to reading volume two as soon as it arrives. I feel closer to the Father than ever before. You have a gift and I'm so glad you are sharing it with the world. God Bless you for your obedience. Keep writing and keep preaching Sister!" CC, Los Angeles, CA.

"Greetings Mrs. Taylor from Orlando, Florida! I received Know Him today and have not been able to put it down. I cannot thank you enough because it was just what I needed. I have consecrated myself to the Lord as you recommended and I look forward to meeting you in person at your next book signing!" TG, Orlando, FL.

"Mrs. Taylor, Know Him is a masterpiece, and I will definitely be recommending it to our ladies prayer fellowship. Looking forward to your next visit and excited to hear what the Lord has put on your heart for such a time as this. Don't forget to bring lotsa books to sign!" LC, Foley, AL.

"I just finished reading Deborah Taylor's book, ABBA SAYS, and could not put it down. I have been struggling so much these past few years. I can testify that this book will encourage you because I am going through a tough custody battle with my x-wife, and she has put me through pure hell. My sister purchased this book to encourage me, and I just want to thank the author, and God, for this anointed book. I am stronger now and I know that I will have the victory in this trial and in any future trials, because God is real and His Word is truth."  KT, San Antonio, TX

"Thank You Mrs. Taylor! I learned so much about Jezebel from your book! A friend gave me your book and after reading it, I realized that my x-wife is the Queen B Jezebel! As I kept reading, it was like you were describing my x-wife perfectly. I understand now and I am free from her controlling ways. I will never be an Ahab again. I highly recommend this book to every man whether he is single, married or divorced. God gave me this book a few months before my court date, and I won my custody battle. The evil witch will no longer torment me or my children. She kept tripping over her lies in court, and was exposed to the point that the Judge gave me full legal custody. It was recommended that she see a psychiatrist, but I know she needs to see an exorcist! God Bless You and I hope you never stop writing and keep exposing this principality." TS, Houston, TX 

"Dear Sister in Christ, I just finished praying all the prayers in KNOW HIM, and am waiting for Volume 2 to arrive. I have already shared this book with my pastor and he said that he was going to order a copy. Will there be another volume of this book? I ordered one for my mother and my brother and look forward to watching how God uses your book to speak to their hearts. I am praying that my whole family will be ready for our Lord's return. Thank you for standing in agreement with me for their salvation!" CB, Boise, Idaho

 "Dear Mrs. Taylor, it was an honor to meet you at your last book signing. I love your prayer book and so does my mother. I just want to thank you for taking the time to pray for my mother, and encouraging her. She has been suffering from severe, debilitating depression due to her health, etc. She has been doing so much better since you prayed for her. She is reading her Bible more and praying. She wanted me to tell you that she is praying for you and that you were her angel unawares in her darkest hour. She just loves you and she is a huge fan of your books and ministry. Thank you again for lifting her up in her darkest hour. Please keep her in your prayers for complete healing from this disease, and from depression and suicidal thoughts. God bless you mighty woman of God. God is using you in a mighty way and I've never met anyone willing to take the time to minister to the hurting like you did, when you were so busy with your own book signing. You will always be in my prayers and my mother loves you very much!" CC, Bay Minette, AL.

"Mrs. Taylor, I cannot ever thank you enough for writing The Jehu Anointing. A pastor gave me your book because he understood the battle I was in, though I did not. After reading this anointed book, my life has forever been changed. I am eternally grateful to God for putting it on your heart to write this book. Without this book, I would still be stuck under Jezebel's web and I would have given up on fighting for my family. The wisdom that I gleaned from your book has opened my eyes, helped me to understand the spiritual battle I was in, and how to come out victorious. I am finally free from Jezebel's strongholds and I am forever free from the witch's web of deception. I can finally move forward into my destiny, and I am so excited. May God bless you abundantly for all that you do to educate and wake up men like myself, and thank you for showing us how to protect our hearts and minds and loved ones from the destruction that happens when you are ignorant of Satan's devices. Every man should read this book before entering into a relationship with any woman. Listen to me men, if you are dating and thinking about marriage, you must read The Jehu Anointing first. Whatever you do, watch and pray, cry out for discernment, and don't rush into marriage. " WY, IL. 

 "Dear Mrs. Taylor, I just wanted to thank you for obeying His voice and writing HARD TRUTH FOR HARD TIMES. I cannot put it down and I have ordered several copies of your book at Amazon just in time for Christmas gifts. May God bless your obedience and I look forward to your next book. Keep them coming!" - SJ, AL 2022

"Mrs. Taylor, your latest devotional: HARD TRUTH FOR HARD TIMES, is my new favorite devotional. I purchased copies for Christmas gifts for my family, pastor and friends. Everyone says that this is their new favorite devotional. I am almost through the book and look forward to Volume 2. Count me among your biggest fans!" -LK, SD 2023

"Deborah Taylor, I have collected many devotionals over the years, and I read several daily, but your latest book is at the top of the list. Every single devotional I have read so far was just what I needed for that day. It is truly anointed and I just wanted to thank you for your obedience to God and for your anointed gifts. Please keep them coming!" -SK, NC 2023

"Mrs. Taylor, I have read many devotionals in my lifetime, from Billy Graham to Charles Stanley, but this one has become one of my top 5 devotionals. You got another fan here! It is so refreshing and it is evident that you had to have assistance from the Holy Spirit, because I can feel His presence as I read each page. May God honor you greatly for your obedience and faithfulness to His Word." -JF, GA 2023

"Mrs. Taylor, your latest devotional has been just what the doctor ordered. I found peace that I have not known in several years from the moment I began reading the first page. I felt like I was on holy ground as I sat there alone and read this book. I am one of your biggest fans. Your book is filled with such wisdom, encouragement, and the love of God." -DG, H.CA.  2023

"Deborah Taylor, this latest devotional is right up there and I believe that God is going to use this book to lead many souls to a closer walk with the LORD. May He bless you for your faithfulness, and for telling the truth as it is written in Scripture. You are one of the most anointed writers I have ever found, and I praise God for leading me to this book. I look forward to your next book with great anticipation!" - BD, OK City, OK 2023

"Deborah, I am so blessed and honored to know you and I am not surprised at all that God is doing such amazing things through your books and ministry. HARD TRUTH has become my daily reading next to Scripture. I am convinced that this devotional will become a best selling devotional for all times. I also wanted to thank you for being there when nobody else was. This past year has been incredibly difficult for me due to my divorce, and the pain of betrayal, but your book was like a glimpse of heaven shining through my darkness. Never stop doing what you are doing, because you are clearly called to encourage the Body for such a time as this!" - JT, Birmingham, AL  2023

"Ms. Taylor, I just wanted to let you know that I gifted your book to my mother for Christmas, and it has been such an encouragement to her. God is using your book to deliver her from her depression, and she is beginning to live again. I am eternally grateful to God for giving you this anointed book to share with the world. Thank You and God Bless You and Your Family." - SL, Fairhope, AL  2023

"Mrs. Taylor, I am truly enjoying the wise words of this book! My favorite group of wise words I've read began with GOD IS LIGHT AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS. IF WE SAY WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM AND WALK IN DARKNESS WE LIE. IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT AS HE IS IN THE LIGHT, WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER. I look forward to reading more of the wise words of wisdom in this book, and I look forward to Volume 2. God has given you an amazing gift of encouragement, revelation knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. I love how you just keep it simple and speak the truth as the oracles of God. I'm now your biggest fan." - MH, Florida  2023

"Dear Mrs. Taylor, A co-worker ordered your devotional last year and while we were at lunch yesterday, she shared with me how God was speaking to her  through this book. I have noticed that her attitude has changed a lot this year. She went through a difficult divorce last year and had become irritable and difficult to work with. She was very negative and now she seems to have peace. I've been struggling with some hurt from my past so I decided to order a copy for myself. I look forward to reading this book."-HT, Phoenix, AZ

"Dear Deborah, it means so much to have a friend like you. I have seen how God has answered every single prayer you and your husband have prayed. I am so thankful to God for putting you in my life for such a time as this. I just finished your book, Hard Truth for Hard Times, and I wanted you to know that it is my favorite new devotional. I look forward to receiving your next books. I shared this book with my daughter and it has really been a huge blessing to her. Thank You again for being such a loyal friend and mighty prayer warrior. I know God has huge plans for your ministry, and He is using you and your husband in far greater ways than you may ever know. God bless you Deborah!" -CH, Fairhope, AL

"Dear Ms. Taylor, I just finished reading Hard Truth for Hard Times, for the second time since I purchased it in November. I thought it was great and I give your book FIVE STARS! I also purchased one for a family member who told me she has been greatly encouraged by it. She is bed ridden and lives alone so as you can imagine, she needs all the encouragement she can get. She used to only read books by Billy Graham, but she has your book on her nightstand next to her Bible. I hope you keep writing and thank you again for being such an encouragement to others." DS, San Antonio, TX


"Dear Deborah, I wanted to tell you how I came across your site. Years ago, the Lord started showing me he wanted me to write a book. I'm not sure how I came across the most awesome word you wrote about your testimony and writing your first book. It was so inspiring, I was blown away. At that particular time, I wasn't quite ready to actually write a book. God still had a lot of preparation for me. Well, He has done some mighty work on me and I'm much more prepared. I had saved that word all these years and would read it from time to time. It gave me so much encouragement. It is titled GOD IS ABOUT TO BLOW YOUR MIND! Posted 02-19-2017.  Anyway, it's just as powerful today, as the first time I saw it. Probably even more powerful now, because I've grown into it. I am still in the writing stage. Plus, knowing how the Lord works, I do not think this is just by chance that I have been connected with you after all this time. Thank you for responding and taking the time to listen. Thank you for sharing your "CHEAT SHEET" on how to publish your own book for FREE on your website. Thank you for your amazing words of wisdom and your powerful messages." CL,Tucson, AZ


"Dear Mrs. Taylor, I just had to write and tell you that I love the way you swing that double edged sword of truth by the Spirit. I am your newest fan. I just finished reading THE JEHU ANOINTING, and I am getting ready to read it again. God bless you and I look forward to reading any future books you write."-KU, Fairfield, OH


"Mrs. Taylor, I have greatly enjoyed reading all of your books, but I especially want to thank you for writing your last few devotionals. They have been a huge blessing to me and my entire family." -AL, Jessup, MD


"Dear Deborah Taylor, I live in Australia and a friend found your book on EBAY. She shared it with me and I have not been able to put it down. It is so prophetic. I look forward to reading your other books. You have a new fan!" - SD, Australia 


"Ms. Taylor, I just purchased a copy of volume two of your latest devotional, one for myself and one for my mother. We were both blessed greatly by your first volume of devotionals. I hope you keep writing." -JS, Cincinnati, OH