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The supernatural is our new natural and the impossible is possible!”

— Deborah Taylor


Deborah Taylor is the Founder of, a Global Prayer, Deliverance, and Healing Ministry,  and is the Host of Trumpet Prayer Conference Calls where she unites with mighty Intercessors, chosen by God, from Alabama to California to Canada.  She is continually "stuck in awe" and "over-wowed" at all the LORD has done, and continues to do. Heaven is open, and as Deborah says: "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Deborah is a Deliverance Minister, Author, Speaker, and a Minister of Reconciliation. She and her husband are a great Encouragement to the Body of Christ. Deborah is the author of Holy Ghost inspired Spiritual Warfare Poetry, Spiritual Warfare Prayers, and has published four volumes of THE LORD IS OUR DEFENSE.  Her book: THE JEHU ANOINTING - Breaking Free from Jezebel's Web, scribed in March of 2019, was released on January 7th, 2020 by Her long awaited spiritual warfare prayer book: KNOW HIM -God's Heart Prayers, Vol. 1, was released on January 1, 2022, and is available now at; and Volume 2 of KNOW HIM was published on 020222. Her Prophetic Devotional book: ABBA SAYS, Volume 1, was released on 021222 and ABBA SAYS, Volume 2 was released on 031522. Deborah's most recent devotional: HARD TRUTH FOR HARD TIMES - A Devotional for these Last Days, Volume One, was released on November 7th, 2022,  and is available at Amazon. She is elated to announce that  Volume 2 of HARD TRUTH FOR HARD TIMES, just became available on June 8th, 2023. She is extremely grateful for all of the kind, encouraging words and testimonies about this latest devotional, written for such a time as this. She is especially blessed to hear that God is using this book in bible studies, mental hospitals and in prisons. ONLY GOD!

Deborah is very excited that her book: IDENTITY CRISIS is finally in the process of being published. The Holy Spirit spoke to her in March, 2020, and said: "I CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE. MY PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE, OR WHAT THEY ARE. I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION." Then she heard: "IDENTITY CRISIS" and immediately began writing. Deborah shared this WORD with her prayer team on her weekly TRUMPET Prayer Conference Call on 031520, which was recorded and shared with many.  She has authored several other books, including her long awaited spiritual warfare manual, and she is currently working on two new books that the LORD put on her heart. 

Deborah has had the privilege and honor of sharing her supernatural testimony and warfare poetry on Christian radio, drive time radio, Messianic radio, and at several churches, conference rooms, shelters, synagogues, and even in hospital rooms. She and her husband teach Biblical Spiritual Warfare to followers of Christ, and assist them in becoming the soldiers for Christ that we are all called to be. Portions of Deborah's personal testimony was published by Pastor John Dee Jeffries in his best selling book: BROKEN BEYOND BELIEF, BUT NOT BEYOND FAITH, and has also been published in many ministry magazines, including the August 2015 issue by Billy Burke's Ministry. Her spiritual warfare poetry has been read by pastors on Christian networks, radio, and has even been recited by pastors at funerals. 

Deborah has a fire shut up in her bones to shout from the rooftops, as the Prophet Jeremiah, calling the world to REPENT and turn to the ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND ISRAEL. Her passion is to lead souls to salvation through the Cross of Jesus Christ, and she encourages everyone to cultivate their own personal relationship with the LORD. She also encourages everyone to read the Bible for themselves, OUT LOUD, and allow the Holy Ghost to be their teacher. She has had the privilege of assisting many souls break free from the Ahab spirit and the Jezebel spirit, along with the many other evil spirits. Many families have been delivered and reunited. It is her deepest desire to see the LORD raise up mighty men and women of valor, mighty Intercessors, watchmen and prayer warriors, to become soldiers in the Army of the LORD. 

She and her husband are being used mightily in equipping believers for battle, training them to run to the battlefield in the full armor of God. They also ministers to prisoners and their family members. She prays without ceasing for UNITY within the Body of Christ, and desires to see the Body of Christ obey 2 Chronicles 7.14. Deborah believes that the Church should be a hospital for the wounded, a boot camp for mighty men and women of valor to be trained in spiritual warfare, and she lives to equip the saints to storm the gates of hell to take back all the spoils the enemy has stolen, and to TAKE BACK THEIR TERRITORIES. She is very passionate about training men and women to be mighty "DEMON STOMPING NINJAS" filled with the Holy Ghost, and sharing the Gospel with every living soul while there is still time. 



But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20.24.

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