Pray for Jerusalem - Page 8 - (Jan.1, 2024 forward) - South Africa falsely accuses Israel of genocide!

URGENT -Please join us in praying WITHOUT CEASING for Israel, her leaders, the IDF, the hostages, the wounded, the traumatized, the bereaved, the grieving, and His Chosen Ones everywhere!

Pray for Netanyahu, Israel's leaders, the leaders of the IDF, and that God will give them godly wisdom, strength, inner peace, and revelation knowledge on how to proceed and destroy the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. 
Pray for the Israel's war cabinet, for godly wisdom, discernment, guidance, strength, courage, clarity, decisiveness, and supernatural intelligence. 
Due to so many Israeli's being displaced from the North to the South, all hotels are full and many families are sleeping in tents or on the ground with no cover. This is very dangerous because of the constant bombs which continue to rain over Israel. 
Pray for those who still have homes to take in those families who are not able to acquire shelter in hotels that that are filled up. 
Pray that every man, woman and child can feel the presence of the LORD and the prayers of the righteous during this darkest time in Israel's history. 
Pray that His Chosen Ones will continue to feel His presence until all of Israel is saved. I've received many letters from friends and family members in Israel and from Jews around the world who have shared that they can feel our united prayers. 
PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR ISRAEL AND THE IDF. LET OUR UNITED PRAYERS CONTINUE TO HOLD UP THE ARMS OF THE IDF AND THEIR LEADERS, JUST LIKE WHEN AARON AND HUR HELD UP MOSES' ARMS AND ISRAEL PREVAILED. PRAY FOR PM NETANYAHU, WHO HAS BEEN UNDER PERSECUTION JUST LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS BEEN. There are those who are operating under the Absalom spirit and are doing all they can to take Netanyahu's position, and they are behind the division that has been taking place in Israel just like in America. 
Pray that God will give comfort those who are grieving, brokenhearted and traumatized by this attempted genocide by these Islamic terrorists. Pray that God will give them His perfect peace and strengthen their inner man. 
Pray for Jews everywhere who are being threatened, intimidated, attacked, slandered, intimidated and murdered around the globe. Pray that every Islamic terrorist and Jihadi Jezebel witch who has infiltrated our schools and colleges are exposed, removed and tried for their crimes and for inciting violence against Jews in America and globally. 
Pray for salvation, deliverance and healing for every man, woman and child; the Jew first and then the Gentiles. 
Pray for shelter and provision for all those who have lost their homes and their possessions. Also, many are practically living in bomb-shelters due to the constant rockets being fired into Israel from every direction. 
Pray for Damascus Road conversions for all leaders around the globe who have been brainwashed, deceived, and indoctrinated by propaganda, false teachers and false prophets of Baal/Satan. Pray for swift justice for our media who continues to spread Islamic propaganda and lies, inciting violence and hatred against Israel and Jews everywhere. 
Pray for a divine hedge of protection, angelic protection and traveling mercies for Israel's leaders, the IDF, and every man, woman and child. 
Pray for swift and immediate judgment for all those responsible including the fake news whores. 
Pray that God will thwart the plans of evil men and supernaturally order the steps of each IDF soldier, steering them away from all harm. 
Pray that God will raise up an army of righteous men and women who will do great exploits in these last days. 
Pray that God will loose His mighty warring angel armies in great abundance, and empty out heaven, that they may guard, protect, defend, minister to, advise, rescue, deliver and war on behalf of every man, woman and child in Israel. 
Pray that God will arise and scatter Israel's enemies. 
Pray for supernatural encounters with the LORD for the Gazans and Palestinians everywhere, and for Damascus Road conversions for all muslims from Iran to the ends of the earth. 
Pray that God will send His angels to rescue and deliver the hostages and that they will be returned speedily and unharmed. I have enough faith to believe that God can rapture the hostages and deliver them to their families, just like He lifted up Philip after baptizing the Ethiopian and Philip was immediately walking around in another location. When the Ethiopian lifted his head up from the water, Philip was GONE! He never saw Philip again, but He knew that God is real and he just witnessed a miracle!
Pray for godly wisdom, discernment, and revelation knowledge for Israel's leaders and the IDF forces. 
Pray for the Comforter to comfort every man, woman and child, especially the grieving, bereaved and brokenhearted. 
Pray for all doctors, surgeons, EMTS, law enforcement, nurses, and all who provide immediate medical care to the injured and critically wounded. 
Pray that all medical personnel, hospitals and mash units will be divinely protected from any harm. 
Pray that all medical staff are well supplied with everything they need to help save lives, including enough staff members to get the proper rest and care they personally need. 
Pray for sweet sleep for every man, woman and child and for perfect peace that passes all understanding. Many are beyond traumatized by the horrors that they have seen, and many cannot eat or sleep. Even I will cannot get those images out of my mind, but I know that God is in complete control and He will never forsake Jacob.
Pray for comfort and healing for the wounded, brokenhearted, grieving, devastated, suffering, critically injured, wounded, and traumatized, and for peace, comfort and rest for their loved ones. 
Pray for supernatural healing for everyone who has been injured and for those who are fighting for their lives.  
Pray for those who are grieving and suffering PTSD. 
Pray for spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and psychological healing for everyone who has seen or been closely affected by this atrocious and purely evil massacre on innocent men, women, children, and babies. 
Pray that those who are inciting violence will be silenced and held accountable for the blood of the innocents. 
Pray for the family members of those who are anxious, fearful, and worried about their loved ones who are serving in the IDF. 
Pray that God will do the same thing for the captives that He did for Peter, when he was chained in prison, but the angel of the LORD miraculously delivered him. He is the same God, yesterday, today and forever. 
Pray for the men, women and children who have been traumatized by all brutality, the savagery and the carnage from this satanic attack on innocent Israelis. 
Pray for the hostages who have been released, who are suffering unimaginably due to the demonic treatment and horror they suffered at the hands of these demon possessed monsters. Many are suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and have been severely traumatized. Pray that God will heal them everywhere they need healed. 
Pray for safety and protection for all ministries and organizations who support and minister to Israelis and Jews everywhere. 
Pray for the doctors, surgeons, specialists, nurses, hospitals, archeologists, emergency management, law enforcement, and everyone who is working around the clock to save lives and identify those where savagely tortured, mutilated, burned and savagely butchered, for those who are still missing, and for those who are grieving and traumatized by this horrendous and savage genocide of innocent men, women, children and babies in Israel. 
Pray for the leaders of the Body of Christ to rise up in righteous indignation and stand boldly and firmly with Israel. Pray that they will unite and stand up, speak out and act accordingly to do everything within their power to stop the antisemitism taking place in America and globally. 
Pray for Christians to wake up, pray, give, and stand up for Israel and His Chosen Ones. 
Pray that the Body of Christ will unite in prayer and fasting, and repent according to 2 Chronicles 7.14.
Pray for innocent victims caught in the middle of this war. 
Pray for miraculous testimonies to come out of this unspeakable, horrific massacre and that God will crush Israel's enemies quickly and permanently. 
Pray that God will continue to remove the scales from the eyes of those who have been brainwashed, deceived, indoctrinated, and blinded by the evil one. Beginning 102323, Israel will be releasing unedited body cam footage of Hamas' massacres of innocent Israeli's. They have no choice because so many continue to be brainwashed, indoctrinated and deceived by communist, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas fake news whores. These are the same deceivers who continue to deny the Holocaust. God will fill their faces with shame and they will answer to God for their wicked lies.  
Pray for salvation and deliverance for all who are bound in witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and every evil work. 
Pray for a True Holy Ghost Revival and for salvation for every man, woman and child. 
Pray that all leaders in America who are corrupt, treasonous, antichrist, and antisemitic will be immediately exposed, dethroned and brought to swift judgment, and that they will be replaced with godly men and women who fear Him and support our closest ally, Israel.  
Pray for Damascus Road conversions for all Americans who have been deceived, brainwashed, and indoctrinated by the fake news, by Jihadi Jezebel witches and by false prophets of Baal/Satan. 
Pray that every weapon of the enemy fails, backfires, misfires, malfunctions and that no weapon formed against the IDF or innocent civilians shall prosper. 
Cancel and destroy the spirits of mind control, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, deception, lies, falsehoods, slander, false accusations, brainwashing, indoctrination, propaganda, injustice, blindness, wickedness, anarchy, lawlessness, corruption, treason, greed, hatred, murder, rape, suicide, genocide, death, destruction, jealousy, envy, immorality, lust, covetousness, harlotry, idolatry, perversion, lukewarm-ness, Antichrist, Jezebel, Haman, Ahab, Leviathan, Python, Abaddon, Apollyon, and every assignment of hell coming against Israel, the IDF, Netanyahu, President Trump, Shepherds, Saints, Missionaries, patriots and the persecuted everywhere. 
Pray that Haman and his ten sons will hang on the gallows that he built for Mordecai, and that Jezebel will be thrown down, never to rise again. 
Pray that God will do the same thing He did for Asa, for Moses, for Joshua, for Daniel, Jehoshaphat, Elijah, and for Esther and Mordecai. 
Pray for Jews everywhere who are being hunted down, persecuted and murdered by those who are demon possessed and have been indoctrinated by the antichrist spirit of Islam. 
Pray for the American Cowboys, Cowgirls and Farmers who have flown to Israel to assist the farmers in reaping their harvest. Pray that God will richly bless these wonderful men and women for their love for Israel and their hard work. 
Pray that the UN will be dismantled and for speedy justice upon those responsible for this war against Israel, whether by propaganda or by funding the enemies of Israel. 
Pray that not one hair on the head of any of the hostages or any IDF soldier is harmed.  
Bind and cast out the spirits of violence, jihad, terror, idolatry, fear, worry, doubt, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, oppression, suicidal thoughts, grief, despair, trauma, anger, hopelessness, anguish, helplessness, heaviness, sorrow, impatience, hate, heartache, murder, rape, brutality, barbarity, savagery, Jezebel, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, suicide, deception, lying, confusion, theft, propaganda, indoctrination, mind control, genocide and every evil work. 
Bind the hands and feet of Israel's enemies, and ask God to arise and His enemies be scattered. 
Pray Psalm 35, 109 and all like verses against the enemies of Israel. 
Pray that the LORD comes quickly, as He has said: Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me. 
May God richly bless you for standing in unity, agreement, and in one accord with us and with intercessors and watchmen everywhere who are standing in the gap for Israel, always and forever.
Prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem -Copyrighted by Deborah-100723. Taylor ©
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