Deborah's Books

This was the LORD's doing and it is marvelous in our sight! Psalm 118.23.”

— Deborah Taylor

THE LORD IS OUR DEFENSE, Volume 1, is Deborah's "Alabaster Box" and her "Battle Cry." Deborah's message to the world is simple: rest in the truth that God’s love for you is unparalleled, and then repent and turn back to him. Then get ready for an outpouring of blessings as you learn that nothing is impossible with God. Teaming with personal stories about the miracles God has performed in Deborah’s life, the first half of The Lord Is Our Defense will give you practical advice on how to recognize Satan’s tactics, put on the full armor of God, understand and deal with oppressive spirits impeding your true victory, and ultimately live an abundant life in Christ. The second half comprises an outpouring of poetry inspired by the Holy Spirit and passed on as Deborah’s gift to you. But don’t just take Deborah’s words at face value. She urges believers to guard against passive acceptance of any truth not supported by the inerrant word of God, so she backs up everything she says with scripture. When you step into the fray, get ready to see lives changed and prophecies fulfilled. Get ready for the supernatural to become your new natural, and see how doing the impossible becomes your new normal. 2018.

Deborah Taylor is back with a follow-up to her first volume of poems, THE LORD IS OUR DEFENSE, Volume 2, which offered readers portions of her supernatural testimony in addition to musings on spiritual warfare. These new verses are again inspired by the Holy Spirit and invite you into a new normal: making the impossible possible! For example, “Every Good and Perfect Gift” reminds us that the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills will always make a way—even when our human eyes can’t see one. “Another Chance” speaks to the ups and downs of our daily battle with impatience as we seek to become more like Jesus. And “How Is Your View” asks a generation so often ruled by doubt and fear to see the Creator for the big God that he is. Full to the brim with biblical truth and wisdom, each poem will remind you that with God, the supernatural will become natural, and wonders will never cease. The first step is to put your trust in him—and these poems will show you the way. 2019.

Deborah's long awaited Devotional is now available. ABBA SAYS, Vol 1, is a collection of Holy Spirit inspired devotionals. It is Deborah's gift to you in hopes that you will hear and understand what is on the heart of the Father. It is her deepest desire that these devotionals will cause you to draw nearer to God, and hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Body of Christ in these last days. This Devotional is now available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle as of 021222. ABBA SAYS, Vol. 2, is now available on