Pray for Jerusalem - Page 9- 011324 forward -

To my Jewish brethren around the globe - The LORD your God, the God of your fathers, is calling you to come back to the land that He gave you. He is calling you to make Aliyah, to unite as ONE and fight for your nation, to shuv, to return to the LORD your God with all your heart, and to fight for the land that He has given you. The Messiah, YESHUA, is coming soon. We are praying without ceasing for Israel, her leaders, the IDF, the hostages, the wounded, the grieving, the traumatized, and for His Chosen Ones everywhere. ” - -Deborah Taylor

URGENT -Please join us in praying WITHOUT CEASING for Israel, her leaders, the IDF, the hostages, the wounded, the traumatized, the bereaved, the grieving, and His Chosen Ones everywhere!