Please join us in praying without ceasing for Israel, her leaders, the IDF, the hostages, the wounded, the grieving, the orphaned, and the traumatized. You are either FOR Israel or you are FOR Terrorists. God will bless those who bless Israel and He will curse those who curse Israel. AM YISRAEL CHAI!

Welcome to Worship Word Warfare Ministries, Deborah Taylor's official Prayer, Deliverance and Healing Ministry. We are honored that you stopped by. We know the Holy Spirit brought you here for a reason! You are not here by accident, and I believe that the Holy Spirit lead you here to lock arms with committed Prayer Warriors, Intercessors and Watchmen on the wall, chosen by God, who have united to wage war in this epic battle for the souls of mankind and for the soul of our nation.  

Our reason for being is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this lost and dying world and to unite in prayer. We are here to encourage, edify, pray for, and intercede for YOU, as well as setting captives free from demonic oppression. We have witnessed many supernatural miracles, deliverance from evil spirits, healing miracles, and debt cancellation, to name a few. It is an honor and privilege to lift your prayer needs to our Father's Throne of Grace and Mercy, and to stand in agreement with you for your miracle and breakthrough. We intercede for you as if we were praying for ourselves and our loved ones, because we all know what it is like to need a Red Sea Miracle -NOW.  To God be ALL the glory!

We are a growing army of committed  Intercessors, Mighty Prayer Warriors, and Watchmen on the wall, who have united nationally for prayer and intercession. We minister in groups and one on one, standing on the Word of God, by the blood of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit, to break chains and strongholds, destroy curses, heal the sick, set the captives free, and assist people in getting delivered from demonic oppression. We believe the Word of God, and we stand on every promise in His Word.  He who promised is faithful! 

We are not a church, so we recommend that you find a Bible believing church with a Holy Spirit filled Pastor who preaches the full counsel of the Word of God, boldly and unashamedly, and who wholeheartedly stands with Israel. There is much deception in these last days so you must know HIM and you must know the WORD. There are many false prophets and false teachers in these last days who are Antisemitic and Antichrist to the core. You will know them by their fruit.

Antisemitism is Antichrist. You are either for Christ or you are Antichrist. You are either for Israel or you are for terrorists. You are either a sheep or a goat, saved or lost, on your way to heaven or hell. Too many have bowed to Baal, from the White House to the Outhouse. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to wakeup, pray, repent and turn back to the only True and Living God of Israel. Choose God or Baal! Not to choose is to choose, not to speak is to speak, not to stand is to stand. Choose wisely! 

We host weekly prayer conference calls with Spirit filled men and women, chosen by God, united in one accord, to intercede for our leaders, our military, our law enforcement, our nation, and for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray without ceasing for salvation, deliverance, and healing for every man, woman, and child; for Damascus Road conversions, and for the Bride of Christ to be prepared for His soon return! 


Deborah Taylor    



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The supernatural is our new natural and the impossible is possible!”

— Deborah Taylor

Deborah's Latest Book:

We are elated to announce the release of Deborah's latest book as of 060823: HARD TRUTH FOR HARD TIMES - A Devotional for these Last Days, Volume Two. Thank you all for your pre-orders and requests for signed copies of this book. Everyone who requested signed copies should be receiving them before the end of June 2023. 

Volume One became available at on 110722. God bless you all for your kind words of encouragement and for the wonderful reviews that are pouring in. The response for this devotional was truly overwhelming. God is using these books in greater ways than I ever imagined! ONLY GOD!

"But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God"

Acts 20.24